Youth Tournament Rules

All anglers participating in a Collins Bass For Cash event are expected to abide by these rules and regulations. Failure to comply with these rules can result in disqualification.
  1. This tournament is open to any youth age 18 and under.
  2. Teams will consist of (1) one adult boat captain and (2) two youth anglers. The boat captain will provide a boat for the team to compete from. (See Boat Requirements – Rule #12)
  3. Parental / Legal Guardian consent is required on the entry form for each youth angler.
  4. Spirit / Intent
    1. The intent of this series is for the youth anglers to have a means of a local competition event and to be exposed to the everchanging conditions and techniques that surround tournament bass fishing. This event will allow boat captains the opportunity to educate young anglers about the many variables associated with the competition, such as lure selections, patterns, methods, fish care, and camaraderie among their competitors.
    2. The boat captain is needed to operate the boat while the combustion engine is running and ensure proper safety measures are used. At no time can the youth anglers operate the combustion engine during competition. However they may operate the combustion engine during loading and unloading of the boat at the ramp, provided that all NC boating guidelines are followed.
    3. The boat captain may not pre fish or be present at the events location or tournament waters during the Mon-Thurs Off Limits Period. The boat captain may fish as the adult series does the Friday before any BFCS event.
    4. During off limits periods or the Friday pre-fish before the event, no participating youth angler or their boat captain can bait any fishing locations or set out any type of fish attractants (live bait or otherwise) of any kind.
    5. The boat captain may operate the trolling motor if needed, but should use this event as a method for preparing youth to do so on their own.
    6. The boat captain must allow the youth anglers to net their own fish except under the following conditions:
    7. Any team not yet in high school (8th Grade & Under) may request the assistance of the boat captain for netting a fish.
    8. The boat captain must allow the youth anglers to make their own casts and retrieve their own lures.
    9. The boat captain may assist with lure selection and the tying of such lures, but every opportunity to allow the youth anglers to make their own decisions about these selections should be granted.
    10. The boat captain may assist with removing or retrieving a snagged lure.
    11. The boat captain may assist with the removal of fish from the hooks.
    12. The boat captain may assist with the culling of fish to help ensure proper fish care and handling.
    13. If the boat captain is assisting with the tying of a lure, the retrieval of a snagged lure, the removal of a fish from the hooks, or the culling of fish, then only one of the anglers can continue fishing until these processes are complete, just as if one of the youth anglers were completing any of these processes on their own.
  5. Entry Fees
    1. There is no cost to compete in any Collins Inc. – Youth Educational Series (Y.E.S.) events.
  6. Morning Registration/Check-In
    1. Registration/Check-In will start 90 minutes prior to the event starting time.
    2. Teams must register/check-in the morning of each event at the tournament trailer and submit a completed entry form.
    3. Entry forms must contain all relevant information before being accepted
    4. Teams must have their boat’s livewell checked by a tournament official before starting.
  7. Starting Positions
    1. Starting positions (Boat Numbers) will be assigned on a “first come – first served” basis as each entry form is received. Simply put, the earlier the entry is received, the earlier you will blast off.
  8. Starting Times
    1. Collins Inc. – Youth Educational Series (Y.E.S.) events will coincide with Collins Inc. – Bass For Cash Series (Adult) events. The adult teams competing in the Bass For Cash Series events will start (Blast Off) at safe light.  To help ensure a safe atmosphere for our young anglers, all Collins Inc. – Youth Educational Series (Y.E.S.) teams will begin after the adult Bass For Cash Series teams have started.
    2. Approximate starting times will be posted at the tournament web site just prior to each event.
  9. Starting Sequence
    1. Teams will start the event based on their assigned starting position (Boat Number).
    2. The Tournament Director will announce the sequence of boat numbers one boat at a time, thus allowing a safe distance between each boat.
  10. Afternoon Check-In / Return Times
    1. Each Collins Inc. – Youth Educational Series (Y.E.S.) team will return at 2:30 PM (Unless Otherwise Noted).
    2. You must check-in with a tournament official before leaving, even if you are not weighing a fish. This is to ensure that everyone has returned safely and is off the water.
  1. Scoring
    1. (5) Five fish limit per boat.
    2. All fish must be 14” minimum length, except that (2) two fish may be less than 14” minimum. During an event in which the state law requires a different length limit or slot limit these limits will be announced and provided to each team during morning registration.
    3. Any dead fish will receive a 0.25 lb (4 oz) penalty.
    4. Any short fish attempted to be weighed will receive a (1) One pound penalty plus the loss of that fish for scoring. There will be no “Courtesy Measurements”.
    5. You will lose (1) One pound for every minute you are late for afternoon check-in. After (15) Fifteen minutes you will be disqualified.
    6. Final positions will be determined by total weigh of catch after all penalties.
    7. In case of a tie for first place at the end of the tournament that is not resolved by the following five (5) tie breakers there will be a sudden-death fish-off between the tied competitors, under the direction and special rules established by tournament officials.
    8. All other team ties, the following tie breakers will be used in the following order:
      1. The heaviest single day catch during competition.
      2. If the tie is not broken, the next tiebreaker will be the second heaviest single day catch during competition.
      3. If the tie is not broken, the next tiebreaker will be the largest number of legal live fish weighed during competition. iv. If the tie is not broken, the next tiebreaker will be largest number of legal fish weighed during competition.
      4. If the tie is not broken, the next tiebreaker will be the biggest bass weighed.
      5. If the tie is not broken by applying the foregoing procedures, the tie will remain a tie, and prizes will be awarded in an equal amount between the tied teams or as determined by tournament officials.
      6. Lunker ties will be split by heaviest total catch of the tied teams.
  1. Boat Requirements (For Safety Concerns & Fish Care)
    1. Can be either fiberglass or aluminum construction.
    2. Minimum Length is 16’.
    3. Must contain a livewell system adequate for maintaining the health of all bass within possession.
    4. All boats must contain all required Coast Guard safety equipment including an engine shut-off device (Kill Switch).
    5. Life jackets and shut-off device must be used anytime the combustion engine is running.
  2. Boat Insurance
  3. Each boat being used must have documented proof of a minimum of $300,000 per occurrence boat owner’s liability insurance covering the boat being used in the tournament event. Proof of insurance must be with the boat being used and must cover all passengers in that boat.  Random checks may be conducted and any competitor that does not have the requested proof of inforce insurance with a minimum of $300,000 coverage may be disqualified.  Each policy must clearly show an effective start and end date.
  4. Tackle and method of catch
    1. All bass must be caught in a legal and sporting manner.
    2. Only artificial lures are accepted.
    3. Contestants can use only one rod and reel at a time.
  5. Sportsmanship (Boat Captains – Please Lead By Setting A Good Example)
    1. All teams (Including Boat Captains) are expected to act in a professional manner and in a way that is not detrimental to the intent of this youth fishing series of events.
    2. All teams are to respect others using the same body of water for any legal recreational use including, but not limited to, fishing, hunting, skiing, sailing, canoeing, etc, especially in congested areas such as boat ramps and ramp parking areas.
  6. Approved Fishing Locations / Respect Of Other Competitors
  7. Any areas designated as open for public use is permitted within the body of water being used for the tournament event. b. Trailering to another body of water is not permitted.
  8. You may not fish within 50 yards of another competitor without permission from such competitor. Note: Once you grant permission for one boat to enter your 50 yard “no fish zone”, you open that area up to any and all competitors. You cannot select who can and cannot fish within your 50 yard “no fish zone”.
  9. Break-downs
    1. In the event of a break-down a team may only receive assistance from another competing team if you choose to transport you and your fish to weigh-in by use of the other team’s boat. One team member and boat captain may stay behind to secure the disabled boat.
    2. Teams may receive a tow from anyone in order to arrive back at the launch/weigh-in area.
  1. Off-Limits Period
  2. Off-limits period for Collins Inc. – Youth Educational Series (Y.E.S.) event contestants and boat captains is the as the adult series rules package.  See tournament directors with any questions.
  3. Mobile Communication Devices
  4. Teams (Including Boat Captains) may not use mobile devices to communicate with anyone regarding any type of information related to locating or catching fish during tournament hours. Mobile devices include, but not limited to, cellular phones, tablets, marine radios, CB radios, etc.
  5. Tournament Rules Committee / Rules Interpretation
    1. All decisions determined by the Tournament Rules Committee are final in all cases.
    2. Any violation of the above rules will be grounds for disqualification from this and any future events.
  6. Season Points Competition
  7. At the conclusion of the season, additional awards will be provided and the top team will be crowned as the Collins Inc. – Youth Educational Series Anglers of The Year by the total points accumulated among the season.
  8. Note: All events are used to determine the final points standings. There will be no “dropping your lowest score” when calculating total points standings.
    1. Each team will acquire points at each event, based on finishing positions.
    2. 1st place is valued at 250 points. 2nd place 249 points, 3rd place 248 points, proceeding at 1 point increments thereafter.
    3. All teams not weighing a fish will receive 100 points
    4. To receive points toward Season Points Competition an angler or anglers must declare their team during the first event that they compete in. Once a team is declared they may acquire points and cannot have any substitutions. One team member may fish alone, representing the team, and acquire points.